STILL frustrated after trying so many times to burn off that belly flab poking out right over your belt? If you’re thinking “yes,” then you definitely want to pay attention. You see there’s a NEW way to target belly fat for burning. In fact, hundreds of experts are raving about this new technique to: Slim your waist Stop bloating Kill cravings In fact: many nutrition experts are calling it “the future of weight loss.” Imagine: no more crash diets. No « Continue »
This delicious “wake shake” activates 24/7 fat loss in your body.
Have you ever gone into your local GNC or Vitamin Shoppe store and seen their monstrous wall of protein powders? It can be quite overwhelming, am I right? How do you correctly choose from the dozens of tempting choices that tower at least 8 shelves high? Here's Your Answer: The best protein powder for rapidly torching fat is NOT on the store shelves at GNC. In fact, most of these over-the-counter, trendy protein brands aren't even safe to drink long-term. For instance, one Consumer Reports « Continue »
Why you should SKIP breakfast

Most of us are carrying around a bit of extra weight. Our bodies like to find little compartments to store fat... and just won’t let go. New information shows us how the first meal of the day can make or break the rest of the day... >The new breakfast routine EVERYONE could benefit from! You’ve been told for years that “Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day.” Now, we know exactly WHY this is true. Not only does your first meal give you energy to start the day running, it « Continue »
Here’s 10 Simple Moves to Unlock & Release Your Psoas (Hip Flexor Muscles)
Here's 10 Simple Moves to Unlock & Release Your Psoas (Hip Flexor Muscles) Today I want to tell you about the body's most primal muscle... that you've probably never heard of (let alone trained). Your hips are the bridge between your upper body and lower body. They are at the center of your body's movement. Sitting within the well of your hip and lower spine is the psoas major muscle, one of the two muscles that makes up the iliopsoas. It's often called the "mighty" psoas « Continue »
Can Kale kill you?

You’d never eat rat poison -- you’re a health nut! But that’s exactly what the residents of California’s wealthiest county were doing, without their knowledge. Sounds crazy. But Dr. Ernie Hubbard saw it day after day in his office. Patients coming in with fatigue, digestive troubles, brain fog, and nausea. (One poor woman had her blonde hair falling out in clumps!) The culprit was a shocking neurotoxin -- too much kale! >>> Click here now to discover 11 superfoods you can eat that « Continue »
Is your water bottle making you fat?

I see people out exercising, sporting their water bottles, doing their thing, especially on a nice day. I just hope they're not drinking from those bottles. You see, when manufacturers make water bottles, they use a chemical called bisphenol A. It's released over time, especially when plastic gets warm. The result? The chemical is unleashed into the water you drink, causing you to pack on ugly fat. (You won't ever see THAT on the label.) So if you're exercising like crazy and the fat isn't « Continue »
An amazing story of (my own) Recovered Health
You may not know it, but I am probably the least likely guy to have successfully helped thousands of golfers in 32 countries go from Fat Storers to Fat Burners in 2 weeks or less without Dieting, Counting Calories, or Starving...They actually Eat MORE! It was sort of an accident that I got into the field of nutrition almost 40 years ago. You see, I was desperately ill with incapacitating BELLY PAIN that sent me to the Emergency Room multiple times a week. The doctors knew me on a first « Continue »
Frustrated watching your golfing buddies– while you’re stuck at home watching golf on ESPN?

Isn’t it frustrating watching your longtime golfing buddies--all while you’re stuck at home watching golf on ESPN? All because every time you swing a club, excruciating electrical shocks shoot down your leg. Makes you crazy, doesn’t it? If you’re like my other subscribers, your back is slowly destroying your love of the game. A game you have enjoyed for decades. Retire from golf? Never. It’s the one thing that gives you joy. So what are your options? Addictive drugs? Risky « Continue »
Organifi -THIS is 25X Healthier than Spinach

This small town has practically zero cancer. Or heart disease. Or diabetes. And obesity -- nonexistent. International scientists are baffled. Tucked high up in the Tibetan mountains, in the holy village of Khumjung, are some of the healthiest & youngest-looking people on earth. >>> Discover the Ancient Tibetan Secret to health, youth, and vitality They must be on some kind of weird high-altitude starvation diet, right? Oxygen deprived. Maybe even malnourished. That’s what I « Continue »
The Best Supplements That I Use
The # 1 question I get asked is "What supplements should I take?" They are listed in my Thin Golfer members area but if you are not a member yet you can still get them. Here are the core supplements I have been using for over 20 years and how to get them: - Ultra Preventive 10 (Great hypoallergenic Multiple Vitamin and Mineral) - Cal-6-Forte (a highly absorbable form of Calcium and Magnesium) - Ester C Plus (a highly absorbable form of Vitamin C) - Nutri E 400 (a « Continue »
Did you know that “diets” can actually “help” you GAIN weight?

Did you know that "diets" can actually “help” you GAIN weight? If you’ve ever tried to lose weight with diets and you ate skimpy servings of vegetables and dried up…something…or drank gallons of lemon juice flavored with red pepper and maple syrup, until you just had to eat something...just anything else but... And after all that effort lost pounds come rushing back… with pounds and pounds of rebound weight gain…You sure aren't the only one! The Reason?: Well it’s not your « Continue »
What’s the best golf swing for you?
There’s no such thing as the perfect golf swing, but there is a perfect golf swing for you… …a perfect swing that will astound your golf buddies every time you drive straight and long down the fairway. Everybody knows you should learn from the best. So it makes sense to learn your perfect golf swing from Michael Bannon, the life-long coach and mentor to the most exciting golfer in the world, Rory McIlroy. Michael Bannon knows what’s needed to produce your powerful and repeatable golf « Continue »
Having Tight Hips is BAD for Your Back, Health & Sexual Performance
We’ve all experienced it before, that pain or achiness after sitting in a fixed position for a good portion of the day whether it's from sitting in a stiff chair on a long distance flight, working on the computer all day or spending far too much time in the car. When it comes to sitting there is one thing that is certain, there’s a strong chance you are placing your body in an unfavorable position and as a result of this, your body will get stiff. Unfortunately, sitting is part of our « Continue »