Type 2 Diabetic Drops 2 Meds and Amazes his Doctor
Larry, I wanted to thank you for your program.
I started the Thin Golfer program in late March 2014.
The start was a little sporadic but I kept with it.
I am a Type II diabetic. I was on three medications for my condition
including a non-insulin injection.
Since I began the program I have lost over 20 pounds and
I have been able to cease taking two of the medications.
I am currently taking a low dose of Metformin and
my glucose readings are a source of amazement to my Physician.
I have lost the sweet tooth I enjoyed for so many years.
I have another 20 pounds to lose but I am well pleased
with my progress.
Thank you again for your program Larry.
Ken Kelly
Not to mention I have beat guys on the golf course that I have never beat. Now that is fun!”
PPGS Golfer–Ron Chavez (age 55) is a prime example of what’s possible when
you start to pay attention and follow Larry’s Program. (See his story below)
Ron says: “The whole cost of being overweight became more than the cost of the solution which was to NOT be overweight.”
This audio should play automatically–Make sure your speakers are on.
Ron Chavez lost 40 pounds & shrunk his waist from 38″ to a 32″,
his Blood Pressure dropped from 139/100 to 113/68,
his Cholesterol dropped from 229 to 157 and his Sleep Apnea Vanished
Ron also says “I started the program on October 8, 2012.
I used to sleep with a C-Pap machine because I had sleep apnea,
I no longer have sleep apnea.
I can now outlast my grand kids when we play outside.
My joints feel like they have been lubricated. I won because I am not fat or out of shape anymore.
Not bad for a 55 year old grandpa.
At first I was a skeptic and didn’t want to make the investment in myself.
Had I known how well this was going to work for me–I would have gladly paid 10 times the tuition.
Thanks Larry, ~Ron Chavez
“Best of All”—Ron’s Added 40 yards to his Tee Shots!
Matt Adams PGA TOUR Radio interview Says it ALL
IF You Do Anything Today, Click on the link below.
Larry and Matt talk about how many golfers are “cleaning the floor with a dirty mop”.
This is a brand new MUST LISTEN INTERVIEW
Click Now to Listen to this Interview
Take a moment to listen – click on the link above
June Participant Loses 35 lbs, Normalizes his Blood Pressure and Cholesterol in 2 Months, WOWS his Doctor, and is running again for the first time since his Air Force days in 1988“Hi Larry, It has been a while since I checked in and just wanted to give you an update. I’m sure you get tons of messages like this, but I had to throw mine in. A little background first. I started the TFL program on June 17 after a not so good May meeting with my doctor. At that meeting she told me that I had high BP and was pre-diabetic. She gave me three months to fix it or she would have to start fixing it for me. I told her that I didn’t want to be on meds the rest of my life and that I had a plan. After listening to you on Matt’s, BK’s and John’s shows on the PGA network, I knew what I wanted to do. My 3 month check up was last Monday, exactly two months after starting the program. My BP was down to 108/72, my glucose dropped 5.5%, Cholesterol was down 30% and my LDL down 36.5%. My starting weight was 261 and I weighed in at 226. I only have one notch left before I have to buy a new belt. My 16 year old daughter tells me that my pants are becoming awkwardly baggy. I haven’t run since getting out of the Air Force in 1988. I now run 1.5 – 2 miles a day and with warm up and cool down I walk to make up my 35 –45 min. You said in the first session to write down some goals. My timeframe was setup up by the follow up meeting with my doctor: I wanted to hear her say Wow, check. I was hoping to get to 225 lbs, check. I didn’t want to have to go on any meds, check. She told me to keep doing what I’m doing, it really works. We now have a new timeframe of 6 months. She wants to make sure my glucose keeps responding the way it is and I told her that I would shoot for 195 lbs. This would put me at the upper range of good on my BMI. Thank you for a plan that works. It is easy to do when you put your mind to it. After two months, it has pretty much become habit for me. I notice that the things that I thought I would miss, I really don’t. I leave those for celebrations after I achieve each milestone. Thanks again. I have to get back to work to make my new goals a success and plan my new wardrobe.” ~ Bruce Wherry, LaCrosse WI |
Steven wrote me recently about his success and why he started my program“Larry, I am 47. I signed up for your program in April. I have 3 children which are 19, 17 & 2. With the obvious age difference to my last, I want to remain on this earth as long as possible. During the winter, I went for an annual checkup and received unfavorable info on my BP & cholesterol that were very new to me. I have been very active in the past with running and exercising. However, having a new little one, I don’t get to run as much as I used to, but by following your plan, I have lost almost 30 pounds with no additional exercise. I want to be around to see all of my children grow old, but with a 2 year old at my age, my motivation is heightened. Thanks for giving me a plan that works and as my little one ages, I will be able to exercise more and hopefully see even better results. I am a BELIEVER!” ~ Stephen Howard |
Don knows all too well why you should just
Master PGA Instructor Don Trahan Says:
Just In — Before the Holidays Weight Loss!“Larry I just wanted to drop you a note to tell you how incredibly thankful my wife and I are for your Thin For Life program. It’s been about 2.5 months for each of us and we could not be happier with the decision to commit to this life change. We are both wearing are goal size clothes and feel really great about both how we look, and equally important, how we feel. I feel very confident in continuing this program for years to come and spread the word every chance I get when the positive comments flow about how I look from friends and family. Thank you so much again. Happy holidays.” ~ Jeff S |
Doctor Loses 29 Pounds!“Personally the Thin for Life Program did wonders for me. I lost 29 pounds. My waist went from a size 36 to a size 31 in no time flat. My cholesterol level went from heart attack level to an optimal level. I look great and feel great.” ~ Dr. Arthur Argenio, Washington DC |
My Golf Game is Improving Too!“I’ve lost a total of 30 pounds so far. My waist was 42” and now I’m a 36” waist. My game of golf is improving too! After 34 rounds of golf, my index is 8.6 instead of 12.5. My best game is 74. I am so grateful to you. August will be by 65th birthday and I feel better than I did at 40. Thank you!” ~ André |
Allen Doyle Loses 25+ Pounds
Paul from the UK (pictured below) lost 70 pounds and…
They Laughed when he said he would get SMALLER–NOT Bigger.
Now look who’s laughing 🙂 Listen to Pauls story below…
Doesn’t even look like the same person–but it is!
Here’s an audio recording of an interview I conducted
with Paul sharing his secret for losing 70 pounds on my Thin Golfer Program
(Click the Play button below to Listen–Quite Inspirational)
Todd Graves Now Has Tons of Energy
Paul Wilson Loses 12 Pounds
Golfer Lost 57 pounds in 11 Weeks, Now He’s Down Over 100 Pounds And Still Losing!“For the past several years I’ve been gaining 3 lbs. a year and getting frustrated because nothing seemed to work. Then I found Larry’s program. Larry is a good coach and a great guy to work with. I was skeptical from the start, because I’ve tried so many things over the last 10 years. Even though I believed everything on the website, I was just concerned that it wouldn’t work for me. I sent emails to Larry and he was great about answering my questions. In the end I’m so glad I signed up, because I’ve lost 57 pounds in 11 weeks and I’m feeling good. One thing about the program is not just nutrition, but getting proper exercise. I’ve noticed that my workouts are better. I’ve been getting a lot of compliments lately from everyone. In the last 2 weeks I went to a physical with my doctor, and he saw the results and he’s very happy for me. My blood counts have been excellent, too. My doctor just took me OFF 2 different medications! Thank you Larry!” ~ Mike Speed Mike Speed talks with Larry about his success! |
My Doctor Said WOW When He Saw Me“When I saw my good friend Roger Maltbie had lost 35 pounds I asked him how he did it, and he said it was Weight Loss for Golfers, which is a program run by Larry Jacobs. I decided it was time, at 69 years old and 200 lbs. to do something about it. The results were almost immediate. I dropped 30 lbs. in practically no time at all just by changing the way I eat and getting some additional exercise. My doctor was absolutely amazed when he looked at my labs…he said, “Wow, I can’t believe how good these are.” And that made me feel pretty darn good. I recommend this program to anyone. You never go hungry, and you feel great! I highly recommend it.” ~ Chip Weil Chip Weil tells how he amazed his doctor |
Now I Live Without Guilt!“I have tried close to every diet known to man! Last year after failing at Weight Watchers, I went in desperation to Diet Center. I lost weight, but was too weak and shaky to exercise. Needless to say, I gained the weight back and felt like a failure again. On the advice of Larry Jacobs’ Thin for Life® Program I now get up a half hour earlier and do my exercise. It works! My exercise is out of the way for the day, and the added plus is, I feel great about myself all day. Although I still give in and weigh myself occasionally, the pounds are not as important to me as the obvious body fat loss. My clothes already fit again. I have actually lost fat from parts of my body I never thought possible. I am still getting compliments on how good I look. With what I have learned on the Thin for Life® Program, I feel I am armed with an arsenal of good foods and strategies that really will help me stay Thin For Life®. I feel it is the only way to live without cravings, hunger, feelings of deprivation, depression and guilt! If you have experienced these feelings of frustration as well, I highly recommend the Thin for Life® Program.” ~ Hilary Carr, Virginia |
Lost 50 Pounds and Never Feels Hungry!“On the Thin for Life Program I am never hungry and I never feel deprived. I eat out, I attend business lunches, I travel for business and pleasure and there is always plenty to eat. The program taught me what kinds of foods I could eat in unlimited quantities (and there are a whole lot), what foods should be part of my daily food intake and what to stay away from entirely. There is no rigid system to follow, nothing to count and nothing to prepare to specifications. Rather, within the sensible and healthy guidelines of the program, I go about the business of eating what I want to eat. The program also put exercise into my life and I am hooked. The results for me were staggering. In about size 16 to a comfortable size 8 or 10, depending on the manufacturer. I lost 50 pounds. I look and feel great and am certain I will be.” ~ Martha Berlin, Washington DC |
Golfer Bruce Salmon Lost 31 Pounds in 37 Days“I’ve tried all the diets out there, and it was a struggle. This time, it was so easy to follow! I played golf for the first time this season last Friday. And with a 30 pound weight loss, making a turn was so much easier! I have a feeling this year my game will really improve. As of today, I’ve lost 31 pounds and 4 inches in my waist. I’ve met my weight loss goal a week early! I feel great, I look forward to my exercise and I’m getting ready for the golf season. All I know is that in the beginning I was a little skeptical, but now I just keep losing pounds. Everything you said would happen—has happened! Thank you Larry!” ~ Bruce Salmon, avid golfer Listen to Bruce Salmon: |
PGA Teaching Pro John Hafera Lost Over 20 Pounds and Now Has GREAT Blood Pressure!“This is John Hafera, and last spring I visited my doctor and my cholesterol and blood pressure was way up, and I was 202 pounds. I started working with Larry, and I lost 10 pounds within the first 2 weeks! In 6 weeks I had lost over 20 pounds, and now 6 months later my pant size has gone from a 37 to a 35, and my blood pressure and cholesterol levels are great! My doctor’s happy, I’m happy, and Thin for Life really works!” ~ John Hafera, avid golfer |
Lost 85 pounds and was
Back to Perfect in 6 Months!“Hey Larry, I’m doing great since I started your program. At one point I was up to 240 pounds, but now I am 185. I’m 6 feet tall with a 35” waist (down from 43 inches!). My doctor was getting ready to put me on 3 medications for cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure, but within 6 months I was back to perfect! I only wish I could convince my golf buddies to help themselves with their weight issues and health. I bring my own food to the course and my pals always want to know what I’m eating now. Thank you so much Larry.” ~ Steve |
More Weight Loss Success
She lost 4 dress sizes“The Thin for Life Program was absolutely the best thing I have ever done for myself. I have dropped four dress sizes, and have absolutely no cravings for junk food at all. It’s the easiest, safest and most practical way to lose weight and stay slim. I endorse this program wholeheartedly.” ~ Jane Eberle, Maryland |
If You’re Still Skeptical…Read This“If you are skeptical as I was about this program, if you are tired, fed-up, and frustrated about “miracle diets,” pills, liquids and powders, then the Thin for Life Program developed by Larry Jacobs is for you. I was indignant about the lies and false promises made to me over the last 30 years. I got on the program, followed the instructions carefully and in 4 months, I went from a 40″waist to a 30″waist (I emphasize the inches and not the pounds). Please forgive me for sounding like a commercial, but when I discover something like this after so long a search, it is worth telling and endorsing. Thank you Larry for restoring my hope.” ~ Jorge Arcay, Portugal |
Started at 264, Now 207 (Lost 57 lbs!)“Hi Larry, I wanted to give you an update and “THANKS AGAIN” for your great food advice! I weighed 264 when I realized that I was way too old, fat and sick to not do something about my obesity. When I first spoke to you, your information and your attitude which was so positive helped me an immense amount. Just the advice about making and eating a good healthy soup really took hold. I have become adept at that and it is like a hobby for me now. My weight problem became a project and I was able to tackle it. Since then, I’ve lost another 51 pounds. I now weigh 207. I now lose about 1 pound per week. I will stay on your diet/regimen/lifestyle for the rest of my life.” ~ Jim |
Lost 12 Pounds in One Week On The Program“Larry, I had to send this email even though it has only been one week on the program. Summary of my background: -Around Thanksgiving of 2011 I weighed about 290 pounds. At 6’4” and 64 years old, everyone thought I was just a big guy.
-I didn’t feel good, tired, etc. so set out to lose weight and get in better shape.
-I started eating “better”, working out more, riding bicycle, etc.
-By March, got down to about 250 and “plateaued”/stuck between 245 and 250.
I signed up for your program (after exchanging several emails with you), sat in on the live phone call, went to the store with my wife shopping and got started last Thursday. (I did take measurements, etc.) My weight when we started was 249 on Wednesday, April 25. (I know you are not a “scales” guy, but…) I could not believe my eyes!! I am looking forward now to my 50 mile bike ride Saturday to raise money for the American Diabetes Association. Sorry this is so long, but I am so excited with results so far and my wife is astonished as well. Thanks again, “ ~ Dave Epke |