Weight Loss for Golfers If it were, it would be directed toward the masses. Today's post is not. It's for golfers. It's for people who are passionate about the game, love to play but through time and lifestyle have put on excessive weight to the point it's affecting their quality of life as well as how they perceive themselves. At this year's PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando, Fla., I met a guy who has enabled thousands of golfers in 32 countries to modify and improve their eating habits. « Continue »
Golf Digest: Maltbie’s Weight Loss Secrets
Maltbie's Weight Loss Secrets Veteran NBC sports on-course reporter Roger Maltbie is thinner these days. A meeting with weight loss coach Larry Jacobs last year during a Champions Tour event changed his life. Maltbie, 58, a five-time winner on the PGA Tour, has always enjoyed a good meal and libation. Add a busy schedule -- he'll do 24 events for NBC this year, including the U.S. Open June 17-20 at Pebble Beach -- and maintaining a proper weight has been a challenge. "I was sitting in the « Continue »
NY Daily News: Golfers Go Low On and Off the Course!
Golfers: Go Low On and Off the Course! By David Weiss You with the driver in your hands! Got the post-holiday spare tire jiggling around your waistline? Are you one of the seven out of ten golfers already overweight? Have no fear, Larry Jacobs is here. The slim-down coach to the birdie-and-bogey set will present a Weight-Loss Tele-Seminar that has already helped golf notables like Fred Funk and Dottie Pepper shed unwanted pounds. Jacobs' "Thin for Life" series is a four-part package « Continue »
LINKS Magazine: Food For Thought (Game Day Food Advice)
Food For Thought HOW MANY TIMES have you played a terrific 12 or 14 holes, only to peter out at the end, lose focus and shots? Chances are it wasn’t your Handicap Index that did you in but your glycemic index—the effect of carbs on your blood sugar levels. With his “Thin for Life” program, Larry Jacobs has been helping people eat right since 1983 after being plagued for years by severe stomach pains, which a nutritionist finally traced to intolerance for albumin, or the whites of eggs. « Continue »
Press Conference at 2012 PGA Merchandise Show Conducted by Larry Jacobs
Videos of the Press Conference Larry Jacobs conducted at the 2012 PGA Show with John Maginnes of PGA Tour Radio, Master PGA Pro Don Trahan, and former PGA Player of the Year Jim Estes are featured. Enjoy! 2012 PGA Merchandise Show - Part 1 « Continue »