Who Is Larry Jacobs?

Who is Larry Jacobs?

Ok, now for a little background on me.

Here are some of my stats:

  • I live about 15 minute from Congressional CC just outside Wash DC
  • Like many baby boomers, I’m on the back 9 of life. My days of trying to shoot a 58 and shoot my age at the same time has unfortunately been deleted from my bucket list –1 less thing to do
  • I’m a 4-handicap.
  • My driver speed is barely 100mph and the ball flies around 265 yards. (if I’m lucky)
  • I’m a Special Olympics Golf Coach.
  • My back hurts. My knees and ankles hurt… My left thumbs and wrist needs surgery according to Dr Tom Graham of Baltimore fame now at the Cleveland Clinic.
  • But I love this great game of golf that makes us all so crazy. We are a completely separate breed unto ourselves.
  • So I play hurt and try and play through the pain, just like a lot of you do. (and WE don’t even get paid for it. Hows that for dedication)
  • Like a lot of “sicky” golfers…I still feel like taking an overdose of Pinnacles whenever I’m hitting it crappy or post a bad score…

Here are some stats that are Much More Important!!!

  • 7 out of 10 of us golfers are overweight, out of shape and at risk. 30% are obese
  • Most of us golfers take better care of our clubs and cars then our bodies and our health.
  • Many of us on the “back 9 of life” golfers are on meds and have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar issues. Some have more SERIOUS issues and have been under the knife and take more meds than I take vitamins.
  • I view all of these as Bogeys, Double Bogeys and others. (“un-Necessary un-Forced Errors” in most cases)
  • I’m glad to be one of the fortunate 3 out of 10, yet it wasn’t always that way.  I’ve been fat 3 times in my life and know what it’s like.  That was way back then.

By walking the walk and following my own program, my current stats are below:

  • my blood pressure is 112/74
  • my Blood Sugar is 70
  • My total cholesterol is 145, a good number
  • My HDL (thought to be the good protective stuff) is 67
  • My LDL is way below the ideal currently at 71 
  • My small particle LDL size and numbers are excellent & my triglycerides are 42.
  • My PSA is 1.2

Those are kinds of numbers you want on the scorecard. They are ones that matter most.

Any doctor would pat you on the back with numbers like those. I don’t take any meds for the above mentioned conditions because I currently don’t have any of those issues.  (knock wood)

I’ve achieved those numbers because of the Special Brand of Eating, Exercise and Mindset that I’ve been teaching thousands of golfers in 32 countries in our Weight Loss for Golfers Tele-Seminar Series.

As I mentioned it wasn’t always this way.

My program had its genesis in California during the 1970s, when I suffered from incapacitating emergency room belly pain and often had to be shot down with heavy pain meds.

After several futile treatments, I turned to a physician pioneering nutrition-oriented medicine, who discovered that I was allergic to one specific food EGGS and as a result I experienced a dramatic health turn around.

I was a new person and now inspired to learn all I could about food and fitness and its impact on health. I subsequently hung up a shingle to coach others on what I’d learned.

While the original idea was more about wellness than weight, I eventually ended up working with more folks with BIG bellies than with bad bellies.

The subjects of food, wellness, health and physical performance is now main stream, as evidenced by the best golfers in the world. However, it was not always this way and I have a personal story to explain.

  • Back in the day in the early 80s, I use to play Golf with the GREAT Mac O’Grady at Rancho Park in LA and at Bob Hope’s Lakeside Club. I even made an attempt at Q school in 1979 or 80 when Mark Wiebe was our regional medalist at Mission Hills. Those were the days when you could pay $300 for Q-School and give it a shot.

Well there’s a reason I’m here today talking about weight loss and not my professional golf career.

That’s because I didn’t have one!!!

Mac and Mark went onto the Tour and I went back to food, fitness and health and in 1983 founded the Thin for Life Program.

  • Jump to 1984. I’m at the Kemper Open at Congressional on the range with Mac…it was one of his first PGA Tour events. He takes me into the DP Trailer…some of you may remember the DP Trailers. They were the very first fitness trailers on Tour. Mac takes me into the DP Trailer to “spread the gospel” about my program…and I’m thinking that I’m going to grab hold of some these tour guys and get them on the road to healthy eating and healthy living. I was wrong. I was about 20 years too early.
  • The former Director of Golf at Congressional, Kent Cayce is a good friend and a golfing buddy and he was Billy Glasson’s swing coach. My first chance to help a Tour player was passing along some advice to Bill that might help with his multiple injuries and chronic inflammation.  That’s what got me started in this arena.

Through countless individual consults and more than 50 Weight Loss for Golfers Tele-Seminars, I’ve enabled thousands of golfers from all walks of life in 32 countries to modify and improve their eating habits.

  • More recently I’ve worked with a list of notables that include Champions Tour Players Fred Funk and Allen Doyle; Roger Maltbie, Master PGA Golf Instructor Don Trahan, CJ Goecks, Paul WilsonTodd Graves and PGA Radio Host John Maginnes.

PGA of America’s 2011 Professional Player of the year David Hutsell is down from 240+ pounds and a 40 waist to a 36 waist and 210 pounds in his first 10 weeks.

Roger Maltbie is down 43 pounds and making a huge comeback with his Weight and Health.

Amateur Golfer Mike Speed lost 104 pounds and is a new person.

Change your Food–Change your Life

You’ve eaten your way into this mess…

You can Eat your way OUT. 

To Get out of the FAT Trap

Go to —-> https://www.thingolfer.com/thin247

Get Registered and Expect Results

For the Latest on my next Weight Loss for Golfers Series
Go to —-> https://www.thingolfer.com/thin247
It’s all you’ll need to thread the needle.

If you are Serious about Losing Weight like thousands of Golfers in 32 countries have done…
You Better Act Now…Because when they’re gone they’re gone.
You can still get registered for 1/2 price HERE —–> https://www.thingolfer.com/thin247

Larry Jacobs helped Don Trahan

It sure has worked for Don Trahan

Larry Jacobs has helped Roger Maltbie

—–>  and Roger Maltbie


Paul (pictured below) lost 70 pounds and…
They Laughed when he said he would get SMALLER–NOT Bigger.
Now look who’s laughing :-)  Listen to Pauls story below…

Larry Jacobs helped Paul lose weight
Doesn’t even look like the same person–but it is!


I’ve helped thousands of people in 32 countries lose weight and get healthy.

And I’ve coached some of the biggest names in golf to do the same, including:

Roger Maltbie, Don Trahan, Fred Funk, Allen Doyle, and MANY MORE.

  • Roger Maltbie is down 53+ pounds and counting!
  • Allen Doyle lost 25+ pounds during holiday weight gain season!
  • Fred Funk got game-day food advice from Larry.
  • Don Trahan fits into an old suit from 17 years ago!
  • And this LPGA Superstar shrunk 2 sizes in 6 weeks!

Sign Up at 1/2 Price Now
(Click the I Want It Now Button Below)

Sign up now for Larry Jacobs Weight Loss for Golfers Series

Larry with Michael Breed at
a Wounded Warriors golf clinic
at Walter Reed Hospital
Larry with CBS Sports
Legend Jim Nantz
Larry with Arnold Palmer
raising money for
Special Olympics

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