Can Kale kill you?

You’d never eat rat poison — you’re a health nut!

But that’s exactly what the residents of California’s wealthiest county were doing, without their knowledge.

Sounds crazy. But Dr. Ernie Hubbard saw it day after day in his office.

Patients coming in with fatigue, digestive troubles, brain fog, and nausea.

(One poor woman had her blonde hair falling out in clumps!)

The culprit was a shocking neurotoxin — too much kale!

>>> Click here now to discover 11 superfoods you can eat that are actually healthier than kale

You see, thick leaf-vegetables like kale can actually absorb too much of a heavy metal toxin called thallium out of the ground.

But thallium was originally a rat poison.

So once Dr. Hubbard’s patient stopped eating so much of it, her hair grew right back. And her other symptoms went away too.

You should be okay if you just have a kale salad every once in awhile…

But be careful not to overload on it!

And if you’re looking to lose weight, clear up your skin, and fill your body with vital energy-boosting nutrients, there are even MORE reasons why you should find alternatives…

>>> So click here now to discover 11 superfoods that are actually healthier than kale when it comes to achieving your health goals 

Remember, we’re in this together. 


PS That’s right, some kale leaves contain thallium — the same neurotoxin that Saddam Hussein used to assassinate his political enemies!  

But there are other “superfood scams” too. Way more than you think.  

>>> Click here to find 11 safer alternatives that will help you lose weight, clear up your skin, and have more energy


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