Answer to your #1 Most Asked Question about my FAT LOSS Program

I was interviewed on PGA Tour Radio
Answer to your #1 Most Asked Question about my FAT LOSS Program  (Recorded Interview Reveals All)Click this link and Listen NOW

Retired Veteran Speaks Out Below 

($$$$$$$ Weight Loss Gift Inside)

A Retired Veteran Speaks Out…

Here are 4 brief e-Mail success updates sent to me by a 68 year old Retired Marine Commander… 

e-Mail #1

I know you must get thousands of these emails;
however, I just wanted to let someone know.

I went for my annual check up this past Monday and
it was the best results I have had in the past 7
years. ALL of my numbers were good, especially my
cholesterol (bad, good, combined, etc). I’m
thinking of asking my doc to reduce my Zocor to a
lesser dosage. In addition I had lost twelve
pounds in 14 days. Not too bad for an ole’

Thanks, Bo

e-Mail #2

Just wanted to update you on progress.
I’m just in my 4th week and finishing right now.

I have lost 24 pounds as of this morning. Clothes
are fitting much better, and as I told you last
time, my numbers are doing great as far as the
doctor is concerned.

So, all in all, I’m very happy with the program and
will continue. I really like the change of life that has
happened to me and I do thank you.


e-Mail #3

It’s been a while since I have given you an

The long and short of it….Since starting in June
(2nd or 3rd week; I can’t remember exactly), I
have lost 30 pounds.

I can go on and on, and I probably have taken more
of your time than necessary. As I approach my
69th birthday, I can say with all honesty that
your program has done a lot to add to my quality
of life with the weight loss, new attitude towards
exercising, and being more aware of my food
and health in general.

Thanks, Bo

Final e-Mail #4

Just a quickie to let you know your advice worked
fine. I’m down a total of 33 pounds.
Bottom line: it works and I’m glad/happy.
Thanks, Bo

You are the reason why I’ve dedicated myself to helping golfers who are Overweight and Out of Shape.  As a (die hard golfer who has been overweight myself)  I speak your language and have helped thousands of golfers succeed with their weight and helath in 32 countries. (many who never thought they could succeed)–until they found me and my Thin Golfer Program.

My Weight Loss for Golfers program is designed for golfers who have tried all the diets out there (my program is definitely NOT an EAT LESS diet!) My participants want to lower their health risk, and start feeling and looking their best. Many have told me they want to want their doctors to be able to reduce their meds or get them off meds altogether.

Here’s how you can get started with my deepest discount ever.

All you have to do is Push the Start Button


Paul from the UK (pictured below) lost 70 pounds and…
They Laughed when he said…
he would get SMALLER–NOT Bigger.
Now look who’s laughing 🙂  Listen to Pauls story below…

Doesn’t even look like the same person–but it is!

Here’s an audio recording of an interview I conducted
with Paul sharing his secret for losing 70 pounds on my Thin Golfer Program
(Click Link below to Listen–Quite Inspirational)


Frank CUT his Blood Sugar in HALF using the Thin Golfer Program   

These 2 golfers just reported some Amazing Results on the Thin Golfer Program.

See for yourself below…

Hey Larry,

“Just a quick update, I am having amazing results with regard to my
blood sugar #s, I believe that I told you I am a Type 2 diebetic and when
I started your program my #s were between 260 and 305 in the morning,
after about 2 1/2 weeks on your program my #s yesterday were 127 AM
and 105 in the evening,well within normal range, although I am still
on medication for sugar one of my goals is to get off the pills!
The first week I lost 8 lbs.  the second week I lost 5 lbs.
I have followed your program faithfully and it is really working.

“thanks for responding so quickly, it worked!!! i’m down 16 lbs
and the cloths are fitting much better and the belt has come up a few
more notchs. i feel much better and with energy to burn. can’t believe it.
thanks again,”
My program takes you from a Fat Storer to a Fat Burner in 2 weeks or Less without Dieting, Counting Calories or Starving!


No One Wants to Eat Cardboard…

If you’ve been on diets where you’ve eaten nothing but soup or tasteless food or boring salads, you NEED to read this message.

If you’re thinking about going on one of these “cardboard” diets…DON’T!

Read this first to find out why:

One of my successful program participants (Tim) called me recently and as we spoke I asked him, “was there anything initially holding you back from enrolling in my Weight Loss for Golfers Program?”

I must admit his answer really surprised me (but I guess it shouldn’t have).

He simply said that, “he was afraid that there would be no good foods to eat and he did NOT want to eat cardboard.”

He went on to say that, “once he saw there were 50 or 60 real, every day foods to choose from in the first 2 weeks of the program and more added every 2 weeks that he immediately knew he could do this.

You can do this too and save a bundle if you act fast. (Deep Discount is ending soon–details are under the story below)

By the way–Tim went on to SHRINK 5 belt notches and lose 40 pounds in his first 6 weeks.

It’s Not Your Game, It’s Your Gut!

(The Weird Secret That Melts Belly Fat AND Improves Your Golf Game at the Same Time!)

Here’s the secret…
Tim was referred to me by Matt Adams of PGA Tour Radio. He was overweight and out of shape just like 7 out of 10 of us golfers. I told Tim he could Eat his Way Thin.

(“That’s crazy!” Tim thought.)

I went on to explain to Tim that your appetite is NOT the enemy and it’s not HOW MUCH you eat–but WHAT you eat that matters most.

Tim trusted Matt (who referred him) and decided to Learn How to Eat Clean on my Thin Golfers Program.

His results were so unbelievable that he was just interviewed on PGA Tour Radio this week to report his phenomenal results.

Tim lost 40 pounds and 5 belt notches in less than 6 weeks.


Here’s Tim’s Audio Interview on PGA Tour Radio 

with Matt Adams and me…
(click link below to play)


Some of Tim’s Incredible Results

-In the first 5 weeks Tim lost 5 belt notches (he’s down 5-6 inches. He was a 44 waist now wearing 38!)

-Feels great with lots more energy and hitting the golf ball a lot better.  Driving the ball 40 yards longer. Says he’s able to get his arms to clear and now able to make a much better turn and swing.

(When you lose weight and start feeling better, your golf game improves, too!)

-Everyone that sees him on the golf course says “what the heck are are you doing?” “Your color is better…you’ve lost a lot of weight…you look great!”

Tim is in strong support of what Larry does and has written articles highly recommending Larry’s Thin Golfer Program.

-Tim felt so good at the end of that first 2 weeks that he was racking his brain just trying to figure out how to get people to try the program and that most of them would be on their way to a big turnaround (like his) if they would just start the program for the first 2 weeks.

-Tim told me that he thinks…

“The clearest value in Larry’s program become obvious in the first 5 days after starting.

After eating Larry’s way for 5 days you really start to understand that food is the most profound thing in your life.

After 5 days you get acclimated and get a keen understanding that you body is operating differently.  More awake, more aware, food is becoming fuel.”

And it doesn’t end there.

Tim just tried on 4 suits that don’t fit anymore—they are falling off of him! So he went out and treated himself to a new suit. You deserve it, Tim!

Way to go Tim!

If you’re ready to get started right now (and claim my $$$$ discount), just click the start button below


Wanna Get Results Like Tim’s?  (On the Golf Course Too!)

Golf is a sport, just like any other athletic activity. And extra weight can have negative effects on your game such as:

  • Difficulty with your swing
  • Less strength, power, and distance
  • Less flexibility, rotation, and ability to make a good turn
  • Stiff and painful joints
  • Lower energy level and stamina
  • Many other health complications such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, cholesterol problems, Type 2 diabetes, and cancer, that will put a BIG damper on your game (and your life!)

So, knowing this, what golfer in his right mind wouldn’t want to drop some weight and improve his game, and his health at the same time?

Us golfers are passionate about our sport. Some will lay out thousands on clubs, lessons, and trips.

Many will pay big bucks to play upscale daily golf courses or belong to a prestigious country club.

Many more will spend hundreds of dollars during the golf season on balls that they will eventually lose.

But 2 out of 3 golfers won’t spend 10 cents or 10 minutes on the biggest asset to his game, his body.

And sooner or later, it’s gonna catch up with you.

80% of golfers suffer from some sort of illness or injury. Things such as back pain, high blood pressure, diabetes, joint problems, and more. That’s 4 out of 5 golfers. We aren’t a very healthy bunch, are we?

So what are you going to do about it? You know that the longer you wait, the worse things are going to get.

It’s time to take action NOW.

You are probably already aware of the fact that diets don’t work (if you’ve tried every diet known to man and ended up GAINING you know what I’m talking about.)

That’s why my Weight Loss for Golfers program is NOT A DIET.

It’s not about starving yourself, either. In fact, you can eat a huge quantity and wide variety of good tasting, regular, foods any time you are hungry. Anytime!

It’s not about high-tech tools and fancy gadgets, either.

It’s easy to lose weight if you have a few simple tools: a knife and fork, a pair of sneakers, a good blue print, the right mindset…and a good coach!

The sooner you claim your discount coupon and get started, the sooner you can see the fat start to melt away!


You ate your way into this, and you CAN EAT YOUR WAY OUT!

Here are just a few of the life-changing concepts in my Thin Golfer program that will instantly get you into the fat-burning mode:

~ Going on a diet is the best way to lose weight, right? Wrong! I’ll show you why dieting only makes you fatter.

~ If you’ve been on a lot of diets…you are probably bigger now than you’ve ever been before. (You’ll learn what to do about this right away in Session 1).

~ 7 out of 10 golfers are overweight—and it’s hurting your golf game. Here’s a simple technique you can use to get out of the fat trap AND shave strokes off your game!

~ Why, if you’re on the “back nine” of life you need to wake up now—because you are running out of holes! It’s never too late to “tee it up” and put it in the short grass.

~ Give me two weeks and I’ll jumpstart your metabolism–without having to eat cardboard or feeling hungry!

~ You can lose as much weight as you want, and still eat as much as you want–if you change WHAT you eat—it’s as simple as that. (And I’ll show you how).

~ The truth about exercise – and chances are, it’s not what you think it is.

~ The single fastest, easiest, and best way of lowering your risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer.

~ The sneaky methods that the food companies use to get you addicted to all the WRONG kinds of foods (and how to instantly protect yourself from these devious tactics.)

~ How to determine with precision accuracy what foods are best for you as an individual, and what foods are not (Sadly, no one is teaching this).

~ Why determining if you have any food sensitivities can make such a huge difference in your weight (again, no one is teaching this, and it’s hurting you big time)

~ How focusing on how you look and feel instead of the number on the scale can totally transform your success.

~ And the reason that the biggest names in golf (as well as hundreds of amateur golfers worldwide) are using my program to get in shape.

Just look at Don Trahan. Don’s doctor says that Larry’s program likely “saved his life.”

Listen to Don’s Comments (in his own words Click the link below) 

I’ve helped thousands of people in 32 countries lose weight and get healthy.

And I’ve coached some of the biggest names in golf to do the same, including:

Roger Maltbie, Don Trahan, Fred Funk, Allen Doyle, and MANY MORE.

>Roger Maltbie is down 53+ pounds and counting!
(Listen now to Roger here-click link below) 

>Allen Doyle lost 25+ pounds during holiday weight gain season!

>Fred Funk got game-day food advice from Larry.

>Don Trahan fits into an old suit from 17 years ago!

>And this LPGA Superstar shrank 2 sizes in 6 weeks!
(Click here to listen to her in her own words)—this will SHOCK you.
The best part is, Roger Maltbie, Don Trahan, and Allen Doyle all LOST their weight during weight gain season.

They Pushed the Start Button…What About You?


So what’s the catch?


You will have all the tools you need to succeed, including…

  • All of the audio recordings of every session
  • All of the written materials
  • Full access to the Thin for Life archives
  • All of the Program Bonuses
  • AND I will personally answer all your questions by email.

You Must Act Now since this is a Limited Time Offer.

If you want My Thin for Life Golfers Weight Loss Program to take you
From a FAT STORER to a FAT BURNER in 2 weeks or less without
Counting Calories, Dieting, or Starving….AT the DEEPEST DISCOUNT

You will need to ACT NOW.

Go to

Thin to Win,



It sure worked for these guys…

Get Started NOW…

Remember…You can make Progress or you can make Excuses,

But you Can’t Make Both.

Get Registered and Expect Results


Larry with Michael Breed at
a Wounded Warriors golf clinic
at Walter Reed Hospital
Larry with CBS Sports
Legend Jim Nantz
Larry with Arnold Palmer
raising money for
Special Olympics

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