1 Plane Golf Swing Vs. 2 Plane Golf Swing (Lot’s Of Pics)…

Today I have another great article by Jeff Richmond that explains the differences between the one plane and two plane golf swings. It's a very detailed and well put together article. Then coming up I have another article for you that explains the swing plane Jeff thinks most golfers should use. As you'll see, there's a middle ground. Having said that, there's one swing plane that practically all golfers will use when they start playing golf. Read the article below to find out what that swing « Continue »

Why Ben Hogan Was The Best Ball Striker Ever

Why was Ben Hogan Considered to be the Best Ball Striker Ever? One reason was: Ben had a secret move, and now you can too. Just think.. How good would your life be...if you could step up to any golf shot and know that you're going to hit the ball flush and pretty much where you want? What if you had one simple move in your golf swing that powered your entire swing, and it was one move so simple to perfect that it's all you needed to work on to have a great, repeating golf swing? I « Continue »

Larry with Michael Breed at
a Wounded Warriors golf clinic
at Walter Reed Hospital
Larry with CBS Sports
Legend Jim Nantz
Larry with Arnold Palmer
raising money for
Special Olympics

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